Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Feeling Tired

Maybe it is just me, but balancing life can be tiring. I don't know how many other woman out there reading these blogs are working moms, but it is quite the challenge. I have never felt exhaustion like that I have felt since Holden was born. It seems as though if not being a new mom is tiring enough, add the intensity of balancing life and work on top of it. It seems as though some days it is not ever going to all get done. Somehow, we manage it, but it isn't without a lot of effort. The irony of all of this is that this is something that my husband and I only dreamed of for many years. Now that it is a reality, it is so much harder and rewarding than one could ever imagine. I believe that all of the hard work is worth it, but who could have ever told you that it would be so exhausting. Just trying to figure out the best way to balance it all and still enjoy my family.

1 comment:

PEZmama said...

Don't worry. You will learn how to let go of the things that are not necessary.

And, by way of encouragement, I will share some advice that a verteran mom of 4 shared with me when I had my first... the first six months are crazy, but after that, babies start to fall into a schedule and you start getting the hang of it all. It ended up being true for both of my kids, so hang in there!
