Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Another week down

Just got back from my weekly doctor visit. All is still good. Baby Barrett is still in position and we are still on track for induction on June 23rd. If the sonogram is correct, Baby Barrett has lots of hair and is weighing in at a whopping 8# 7oz. He will most likely be over 9# by the time I induce! I can't believe it is only a week away. I ask for prayers that everything will continue to go smoothly!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Husband

I love my husband, Branden, for making me feel good today. He posted an unsolicited blog and I read it. It brought tears to my eyes. I think we take for granted how lucky we are and I just got snapped back to reality. He truly is a blessing to my life!!! I could not ask for a better husband or father!

Monday, June 12, 2006

No More Monkeys...

I think that this really may be the theme of the day around our house. We are preparing for baby 'Barrett' and getting his room ready. In our ingenious thinking, we are going to move Holden to the new "MONKEY" room since it is bigger and give Barrett the baby room that Holden has been sleeping in for the last year...Holden is not so much going for it...screaming is more like it! I think that he likes his room. What to do...? I told my wonderful husband that we shouldn't change him if he doesn't want to change. He wants to try a couple of more days before giving in. We will try naps today. If that doesn't work, one more day and the switch will be off. Both rooms are equally cute, so I am indifferent. We just want Holden to have the bigger room since he is the bigger brother. Wow...he is already making up his mind and he is just 13 months! What lies ahead?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Prayers Worked

No C-Section!! I just went to the doctor today for my weekly BPP and checkup. Baby is head down like he is supposed to be. They say it is unlikely that he would move again since the head is the heaviest part of his body. He is weighing in at a whopping 7# 8oz at todays visit. He is definitely going to be an 8 pounder or bigger. I am very excited at the news!

Friday, June 02, 2006

Family Pics

As per a request from a friend, here are a few pictures of the family we had taken for Holden's 1-year birthday.

Update on the BPP

Just an update...worried for nothing!!!

Baby #2 (see we still have no name!) is fine. He scored 8/8 on his BPP. Dr. Roberts tells me that he is watching the baby closely because of my borderline gestational diabetes. He wants to make sure that the baby has enough amniotic fluid for him since it is somewhat reduced if you have gestational diabetes. He had plenty of fluid, but my blood sugar was out of control (190- EEEK!) Dr. Roberts wanted to know what I had eaten. Anyway, now I have to basically follow more of a lower carb diet (without sugar, mostly). He tells me that I will have to take some sort of medicine if it is not better next week. Also, the baby is weighing in at a whopping nearly 7#. He is going to really be big if we go full term. Not to mention, he is still in a transverse position. I ask that everyone that reads this will say a prayer for us that this baby 'takes a nose dive' and gets in position for me to deliver him without a C-section. I really don't want a C-section since the healing time is longer and I have a One-Year old to take care of. Obviously I have help, but I really want to be able to heal quicker than the C-Section would allow. All of that being said, I need to log off for today. I sincerely appreciate all prayers!