Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Do you ever have a song that just sticks in your head? It happens to me all of the time. I just wonder though, what it means when I wake up to a song that I heard in church on Sunday. I literally woke up this morning singing "Give me one pure and holy passion. Give me one magnificent obsession..." Maybe that is a sign that I need to be spending more time in God's word. I was convicted by Tianne's message on Sunday about white noise and just tuning everything else out around you to hear God's word. This morning makes me believe that even more. What a good way to start the morning! Let's hope the rest of the day is good!

Sunday, October 16, 2005


You just don't get it when you really want it! Today was a picture day for Holden. We were getting pictures made of him in his "Pumpkin Suit (i.e. Halloween Costume). I figure he is not really old enough to go 'trick or treating', but I still wanted to celebrate the holiday with him. So, I figured a picture would last longer! Well, on our way there, he decides he is going to take a nap! This is not a good sign. We get there and I have to wake him up in order to get his picture made. We had two things going against us in the beginning. One was him being tired and the second was his fascination with something new. He found GRASS! And then there was hay! We could not distract him. So this is where crazy adults come into play! We start hooting and hollering. Then we start jumping up and down, jingling our keys, just about anything we could think of to get his attention... I think that we got a few good pictures.

So then we decide to change his outfit since he has two pumpkin outfits. One is a full fledged costume, the other is a shirt. We get the costume on and we place him among the pumpkins. Did I mention we were at a pumpkin patch? There is that HAY again! He proceeds to eat the Hay....Ick! We get a few more pictures in after lots of jumping up and down to get his attention. Then he realizes it is HOT in that costume. I am sweating from trying to get him to smile and he is sweating because he has a wool suit on. That costume doesn't last long before the tears come. We are done and just hoping we have a couple pictures out of all of that! We end the event with the person running the pumpkin patch telling us that she appreciated us entertaining her! And on to another day and adventure!

Saturday, October 15, 2005


We had to cut it again! I can't believe my child has so much hair! I think it has to be one of the first things that people comment on when they see him. " Wow, he has a lot of hair! Was he born with it?" Well he was and I am amazed! He is nearly 6 mos old and has had 2 haircuts. My husband and I took Holden to Sports Clips to get "Daddy's hair cut", and walk out of there with both of them getting a haircut. It is really sweet, though. Daddy got to hold him in his lap since he can't quite sit up on his own yet. He is such a good boy! I am just thinking to myself, though, this is going to get expensive. I wonder how many other people out there can say they have had their baby's hair cut twice before they were 6 months old. I hear that you're not supposed to cut it before they are one, but I would have to put it up in a ponytail if I waited that long! EEEK! Oh well, he looks so sweet...just like a little boy should! I am going to enjoy these moments as they may not last!

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Wow...has it been a busy few weeks! As I am driving home from Babies R Us tonight at just around 7PM, I am reminded I can't stay out 'late' anymore. Not that 7PM ever constituted late, but it is in fact when my son is in the back seat crying because he is tired and about ready to go down for the evening. Anyway, he begins to cry and that is something that I feel myself getting uptight every time he does it. I try to let him cry himself to sleep on occassion when I know he is tired, but I would rather sit there and rock him to a peaceful sleep if I can. He is crying and I am thinking of ways to calm him for the next 10-15 minute drive home. I begin to sing..."You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...". It works! That is the second time it has worked. He likes my awful, off-tune voice. That makes me really happy! I sing that about a half of a dozen times and think, what next? I remember I have a CD that is Celine Dion in my car. My husband does not like her so we don't listen to it much. I happen to love this CD. It is called Miracle and it is a whole CD devoted to the Miracle of Children. The first song is the CD title "Miracle" and it brings me to tears (again, like every time I hear it!) It is a song that describes my feelings exactly. I never could have imagined the miracle that God gave us. Not to mention, I could not have imagined how in love with this child that I am. Life is good! And with these thoughts, I am off to bed! (Well, I will do a little cleaning up the house from the day and then off to bed!)