Thursday, October 13, 2005


Wow...has it been a busy few weeks! As I am driving home from Babies R Us tonight at just around 7PM, I am reminded I can't stay out 'late' anymore. Not that 7PM ever constituted late, but it is in fact when my son is in the back seat crying because he is tired and about ready to go down for the evening. Anyway, he begins to cry and that is something that I feel myself getting uptight every time he does it. I try to let him cry himself to sleep on occassion when I know he is tired, but I would rather sit there and rock him to a peaceful sleep if I can. He is crying and I am thinking of ways to calm him for the next 10-15 minute drive home. I begin to sing..."You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...". It works! That is the second time it has worked. He likes my awful, off-tune voice. That makes me really happy! I sing that about a half of a dozen times and think, what next? I remember I have a CD that is Celine Dion in my car. My husband does not like her so we don't listen to it much. I happen to love this CD. It is called Miracle and it is a whole CD devoted to the Miracle of Children. The first song is the CD title "Miracle" and it brings me to tears (again, like every time I hear it!) It is a song that describes my feelings exactly. I never could have imagined the miracle that God gave us. Not to mention, I could not have imagined how in love with this child that I am. Life is good! And with these thoughts, I am off to bed! (Well, I will do a little cleaning up the house from the day and then off to bed!)


Stephanie said...

Just the mention of that song brought tears to my eyes. I can't listen to it without nearly bawling my eyes out.

I love that CD and I'm not even that big of a fan of hers. She was on Oprah awhile back and they played Anne Geddes pictures on a screen while she sang and I could barely even watch.

Isn't it funny what motherhood does?

Addie said...

I've never heard Miracle but it sounds like a great song! I did get to sing my daughter to sleep though last night after she woke up crying. She just laid there and watched me and I saw her smile in the dark. It was awesome and I didn't want it to end.

You're so right, it's in those moments that I realize how blessed I am by my little miracles.

Thanks for the sweet story. :)