Monday, November 12, 2007

Sweet slices of life...

A few moments to remember for the past month for me...Holden is referring to Mosquito bites as "Cheeto Bites". He will also unknowingly refer to the two on his chest that are permanently there as Cheeto bites as well. They just don't itch. Barrett is becoming quite the dare devil at his young age. At 16 mos he is climbing up the ladder to slide down the slide. He climbs on chairs, couches, stools, tables, just about anything. The newest thing that he decided to do around the first week of November is climb out of his bed. Ok...just so you know, Branden nor I are ready to fight this fight. Apparently he learns quickly. Holden climbs in and out of his bed to play with him and Barrett just picked up on that technique so quickly. I remedied part of that today...the GATE. I put a gate in front of his door. When he climbs out and opens the door...shabang, he is trapped...well, kind of. He sits up there rocking the gate trying to get it loose. He will throw every belonging in his room out to get my attention. And scream...mmmmooooommmm! Oh well, at least he is not going to get hurt this way. Holden went to a 'big boy bed' during the summer. We have to lay down with him at night until he falls asleep so we have this wonderful pallet by his bed. It IS quite cozy! I don't know of any of us that have laid with him that hasn't fallen asleep at night. Luckily the lunch nap he will go down on his own. This too shall pass!

Barrett is now speaking more words, though not very clearly. He can say Mommmmmm, Dad-uh, Drace (that would be Grace) & JuJu. His imitations of animals leave a lot to your imagination, but he is consistent in his repeating what the sound should be. He can point out all of the family members, just not say their names. I believe his favorite words are 'uh uh uh' while he rubs his hand on his chest asking for more and please at the same time. Thank God for sign language. At least I have been able to communicate the essentials with the boys while they are learning to speak.

Holden on the other hand is quite the chatter box. Most people look to me for translation, but quickly realize he is making complete sentences and sense with his words if you pay attention to the context of the conversation. He is a smart boy...I have the right to say that since I am the Mom. I am not quite sure I like his use of the word NO...hopefully this phase will pass soon.

Wow...i have blinked and we are closing in on Christmas! I am sure there are many moments for me to remember as this year comes to an end! I continue to count my blessings!!!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I am so glad you came this weekend. I forget how much I enjoy our talks when they have unfortunately become so sporadic! We'll work on that. =)

Miss you already. =(