Monday, February 11, 2008

2008 will be great!

I believe wholeheartedly that 2008 is going to be a great year...though I am entering the terrible 2's. Holden is now ordering us around (go get it, get out of my seat, I want Chicken, etc). Ok, I did not add that to the picture when I set out that 2008 was going to have great things. Regardless, I am excited for the great things that will happen this year. Already, Barrett is saying many words, Holly(not happy about that one), nose (you have to hear it to know how cute that sounds), eyes, no (not a favorite), Bubba (as reference to sweet little Holden). I just hope I can continue to work on not losing control and letting them get the best of me so that they get the 'best' of me!

My marriage is as strong as ever. It did not waiver much during these first couple years of these babies' lives, but it did get strained as it should be. We are working on our 'time' together and trying to make sure it is good. I love him more than ever. We are approaching 10 years this June and it is so hard to believe. It has flown by regardless of the trials we have experienced. I am praying for the next 10 years + to be even better. I have definitely met my soul mate.

Happy Valentines Day, honey! Life is grand!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Amen sister! Here's to 2008! I need to see the little guys...they're talking now geesh!