Monday, September 19, 2005

Christian Working Mom

Since my blog is mostly for me to blog about the trials of being a "Working Mother", I usually seek out information about this 'job description". I even subscribed to the magazine "Working Mothers" so I could get another perspective on how to handle the trials and tribulations that come along with this title. But, I think that my biggest struggle is trying to be sure that this is where God wants me to be. With giving that more thought, I decided to search the other blogs out there to see if there were other blogs that discussed being a working mom. I found one that is very interesting. She actually calls it Christian Working Mom blog (CWM) {how appropriate!}. Anyway, I don't know why working moms feel the need to justify working outside the home, but for some reason I do. I think that this blogspot gave me a great perspective on this subject by making the following statement: "If you are working because you need to financially, know that if God didn’t mean for you to work he could change your circumstances! And whether you work from necessity or choice, be strengthened in the knowledge that you are serving God by using the abilities he gave you. Work is not evil! " I definitely feel like God gave me talents that I am using at my job, so I need to be good with feeling satisfied when I have an accomplishment at work and not only look for my new identity in being Holden's Mom and all that comes with that. I know that my true identity is being a Christ follower, but I believe we all seek out other parts of our identity! I need to remind myself of the following verse periodically!

I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me. (Philipians 4:13)

There are two verses that give some food for thought.

Romans 8:28
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.

Ephesians 6:8
Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.


Robin said...

Keep in mind also that the Proverbs 31 woman worked to provide for her family as well!

holdenon said...

I really like that proverb, Robin. I like the ending verse: Proverb 31:31 which says Give her rewards she has earned and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
I also liked the verse 28 that says "her children call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her." Thanks for sharing that with me.

Wen said...

Kudos to you! I have done it before... working mom. I'm now doing SAHM. Both are very hard in different ways. Praying that God gives you clear, abundant guidance in how He will use you in this powerful role as a woman, mom and wife. Blessings!