Sunday, September 18, 2005

Grasping at Life

I am learning so much every day! I can't believe that Holden is nearly 5 months old! I am learning that life now runs at WARP speed and I don't want to blink or I might miss something. I don't know how many other people feel this way about it, but now that I have a child, I am not sure I can keep up with everything going on around me. It is absolutely wonderful and breath-taking.

Holden is the source of all of my true amazement these days! If you would have asked me several months ago if I would be so interested in such milestones as Holden grabbing at toys, I would have told you no way! It is absolutely amazing to watch him grow and make these milestones! I can't even explain how happy it makes me to see him grab at his toys and actually enjoy playing with them! I am having such joy in my heart to watch him learn about his surroundings and become playful! I can't help but smile and laugh when he is smiling and cooing! I feel so good when he is belly laughing! I seriously want to stop whatever I am doing to just listen to him or encourage him to laugh more! No one could have told you that it was going to be this wonderful or you could have such joy in your life for simply seeing your baby grasping at the life around him! Again...all you can say to that is Praise God!

1 comment:

Robin said...

remind me to show you how to keep the spam bloggers from commenting on your site. that drives me nuts!!!