Tuesday, September 27, 2005

To Exercise or Not

Well, here I am a week later that I have promised myself I was going to exercise every day or at least 5 times a week. HA! Not happening in my world, or so it seems. Something that gives me a great sense of accomplishment after it is complete is one of the hardest things for me to get motivated to do. With about 15 pounds left to go before I get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, I should find that to be motitvational enough to get up and exercise! Wrong again! I need to get up in the morning and just get it done. When Robin and I go early in the mornings to walk/jog, I feel great all day! When we don't, I keep talking about doing it later. Later comes and goes and I still haven't gotten it done. I guess I could blame it on everything else that I think that I have to get done , but even I know that is not a good excuse. I sure do think about it a lot (see previous post). I probably would get more done because I would feel better. I wouldn't want to crash each night at 9:30 because I just feel exhausted. This is not a complaint, just a realization of my reality.

This is going to be the week....I am going to exercise and watch what I eat again. The only thing I am consistent with is that when I blow it (being my diet and exercise), I go all the way. We shall see!!!.


Robin said...

I'm with ya! I've been eating pretty poorly. I'm going to be better starting today!

Stephanie said...
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Kristie Vinson said...

You would think excerise would be easy especially when you have an exercise stroller and time on your hands. I am with you. Today my lunch consisted of nothing but fried foods. I do slim fast in the mornings and will also do them for lunch once I go back to work. I am hoping that the weight will come off then when I get more active being at work. I went shopping yesterday for those dreaded bigger clothes because I get depressed with the maternity I wear then get depressed with the big size I bought. YIKES! Sorry to ramble! I hear your pain.

Stephanie said...

I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your blog...I am a stay-at-home mom in NM. I did a search for "Stay-at-home" and came across your friend's blog and your blog. I hope you don't mind but I like to read them because it reminds me I'm not alone and I'm not the only one! Thanks again! I'm in the same boat with the exercise thing, but I always believe with my heart that tomorrow is the day I will really get to it and I will keep believing that until I lose the rest of my baby weight or until I'm to old to care!

I've started my blog again (previously in my comment I said I had stopped b/c my hubby was uncomfortable with all the info I was putting out there) but I've made it a bit more "anonymous" and we agreed it would be ok that way. Just to let you know in case you want to check it out!